no I didn't run one, although it seemed like it! On Thursday, I had an appointment with my heart doctor, so we decided to make it a school clothes shopping trip also...and an eye doctor appointment trip. We left on Wednesday after R got done at work. His mom said that she would keep the little two kiddos since it was going to be a quick trip. After waiting at the Top of the World for 45 minutes while they re-oiled the road we finally got there about 10:30 (I think).
The next morning I woke up with a headache, but didn't want to take anything because of my appointment. We shopped a little, but noticed that the air was not staying cool in the little Coconut as we would stop and go at lights. So I called Ami to see if we could trade her vehicles for the day because after my appointment we were headed to Yuma to do the eye exam thing. After finding BROADWAY and her cars and getting to my doctors appointment and waiting for and hour and fifteen minutes we finally got into see the doc. I am no longer taking any meds and wants to see me in 3 I guess my heart is no longer broken...medically!
We head off to Yuma at 2:30, still with the headache. I take some Excedrin on the way...finally eases when we were almost there. R's brother, Kayle, is an optometrist so he checked us all out and everyone, but K has some sort of issue. Thanks so much Kayle...we appreciate it alot, and had a great time at dinner. We chose a couple cute little frames for Mk, R, and I and then off to Chili's, Ross then back to Queen Creek. By the time we got back to Lawana's it was after 1 am.
The next morning we took to girls to do a little more shopping. Lawana asked the girls if they wanted to stay (her two oldest are in Dallas with Alicia) because they are coming up for Eagar Daze. I guess she missed all of the chaos. They stayed and R and I headed up the mountain!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Posted by
5:08 AM
24th in Snowflake...
with my parents and the Hunt Reunion. It was extremely hot while we were watching the parade this year, and it was over an hour long, so I have a new favorite treat to be thrown...otter pops and cold water! It was so refreshing to have an otter pop to suck on in the heat! Here are a few of my favorite floats!
I have LOVED this little train since the first time I saw it...come on dad in your spare time!
The theme this year was something to the fact of Women...the Heart and Soul of Pioneering. I thought this float was cute...they were the heart and SOLE with the little toe pokin' out!
Another one of my favorites...Without Women Your Float Would Look Like This. It had a butcher paper rolled up in the middle with nothing else on the float. Isn't this so true! On the few floats that I have worked on it has been Women In Charge to get things accomplished!
We had a fun day of beans, bread, and Uncle Jeff's Homemade Ice Creams. My favorite this year...Blueberry Cheesecake...yum! Then we went over to the BBQ (my parents were serving there) and Mk & I ate some yummy BBQ.
While we were there we had a little scare. The girls and a bunch of kids were climbing on this big rock and jumping off. The little girls had done it and after Mk was finished with her food she went to climb on the rock. The grass was wet and as she jumped off her feet slipped out from under her and she landed flat on her back. As she was walking over to me I could see that she was gasping for breath. It was a look of terror! I ran over to her afraid that she had really hurt herself. I took her inside and she lay on the carpet. It just knocked the wind out of her, but initially it was pretty scary! My dad asked her if a Dairy Queen would help her, of course it would, so we went for more ice cream and she was cured!
Posted by
4:51 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Water, picnic, & ice cream...
whatelse is there? We had an Enrichment yesterday taking the kids to play in the creek in Greer, having a picnic, then we stopped at the little ice cream shop to finish out a great day! We had such a great time! There were a few dark clouds in the sky when we first got there, they would come and go, but overall it was a perfect day! The kids played in the water, went on a little hike, read in the shade, and enjoyed being with each other, and of course it was a much needed retreat for the moms (and dads) that went. I had a great time just visiting! Thanks girls (and Steven) for making my day!
Deciding whether it was worth getting in or not...
I get it was a good decision...
K helping everyone back across...
Mk & Janelle couldn't resist dunking their heads...
B taking the chips with her so no one else would get them...
Savory Strawberry Ice Cream...
Chocolate All-Around...
The kids enjoying their ice cream...
Posted by
11:32 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sick AGAIN...
after a fun weekend! I don't know what is wrong with us, it seems like we have been sick more than we haven't this year. During Triple G Week I guess there was some sort of flu-ish bug past around. On Sunday after the fourth I got it, Monday...Ry & B got it. Both had fevers and B had Pink Eye. Mk started feeling bad on Wed and Ry's turned into congestion. Yesterday, B started the snotty nose. They are still sick today, but are feeling better...I think. We finally got an antibiotic today since it has been going on so long. Hope we are all feeling better soon!
Posted by
3:57 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
2nd Annual Triple G Week...
went better than the first, because the kids were another year older. There were 14 grandkids that attended this! R & I decided that we would go to Pima for a few days. We got down there on Monday night about 9:30 visited with my grandparents for a few minutes, went to Heidi and Chad's to visit for a while, and headed over to Lee and Allison's house. R got up Tuesday morning about 7 and headed to Phoenix with my Grandpa to pick up a Belgian Horse for my Uncle Scott. I met them in Globe on their way back with the Coconut so R could head up the mountain in time for Bishopric Meeting. It was a very relaxing vacation for me didn't really have any plans...went to Golden Coral with Grandma & Heidi, went to Walmart {that's exciting to me}, visited with family, saw a few of my high school friends at swimming lessons with their kids. It was fun!
As far as the kids, they had an awesome time with their cousins. They decorated night shirts, played in the hot tub, ran through the sprinklers, helped do the (animal) chores singing "Ol' McDonald", girls slept in the Shack...boys in the tent...then vise versa each night, went on a hike and a cook-out at Haws' Park, did fingernails, made their own pizzas, went to the park, chopped weeds and spent time playing! VERY, VERY BIG thank you goes out to Grammy, Poppy, Aunt Alicia, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Shamane, and Uncle Brett...hope you had as fun as the kids did!!! Hopefully, I will get some pics from Alicia or Michelle of their week (hint, hint)!
Posted by
1:25 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
was Waterday!!! Uncle Lee & Aunt Allison were the favorite! They brought up water balloons and a slip-n-slide. The weather was perfect and the kids loved every minute of it! While the guys were filling up the water balloons Aunt Alicia entertained the kids by playing games, then she got them together and they decided to play boys against girls for water balloon fights. Then it was READY, SET, GO!!! So funny to watch, even the little kids loved it! Poppy always knew there was a reason for the hill in his front yard...for the slip-n-slide for the granddies! The kids all had a great time sliding and trying different tricks. I guess we all are considered kids...we all got in on the fun. Grammy ran across, Poppy wasn't here, and Aunt Lawana was sick, but everyone else had their turn going on the slip-n-slide...not even one broken bone. I had already put my camera away by the time the BIG KIDS decided to bad for that! Thanks Uncle Lee and Aunt Allison for the fun morning!
Posted by
2:45 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July
We had a great fourth!!! First, we went to the parade. It seemed extra good this's always better when it falls on the weekend!
Kids waiting for some more candy...
I got a little teary-eyed when the military helicopters came up the parade route. It was very touching seeing everyone exchange waves from the military men in the helicopters waving down to the people and watching the parade viewers wave back. I felt like I was able to say thanks to them for their service for us! AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!
My girlies...
After the parade, my in-laws always put on a Chili Beans and Bread luncheon for anyone that wants to come. It was very well attended this year...all of their family, my parents, grandparents and Aunt Mame, the Scott Hawkins' family {good to see ya Steven, Cim & little boys}, and other extended family! Good to reacquaint with everyone!
Posted by
1:27 PM